Wednesday 19 February 2025
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How To Play Poker Game: The Easiest Guide

The game of ligapoker has been gaining popularity over a decade. The best part of the game is a high profit in a funny way. This article we aim to provide you with the deepest knowledge in simple steps about how to play the Texas hold’em poker game which is the most famous poker game throughout the world. Just stick to the article and carefully follow up with the steps.

Steps to play poker

A total of 7 cards are used in this game in which you have to make the best combination of 5 cards to win sexy. Of these 7 cards, 5 are community cards and 2 are player cards. Now you must be wondering what these community cards and player cards are.

Players cards: After suffering the cards properly, the dealer will give 2 cards to you and the other players. Understand one thing that no one will know which two cards will go to which player’s side.

Community card: After giving 2 cards to each player, the dealer is left with five community cards, which he will open on the table in front of everyone. Because these cards are similar for all players, that is why they are called community cards.

Poker Hand Ranks


Before you start playing poker you need to know how strong your bet is. These are in the order of low to high i.e, high card is the lowest and royal flush is the highest.

High card: When you do not have any pattern or combination.

One pair card: When you have 2 cards of the same number/letter.

Two pairs: 2 out of 5 are similar cards and you also have one king.

Three of a kind: 3 out of 5 cards have the same number.

Straight: When you have a continuous sequence of numbers forming out of the card like 6 7 8 9 10. Colors can be different.

Flush: The colour suit of all 5 cards is the same.

Full house: 3 out of 5 cards have the same number and othe 2 cards left are also the same.

Four of a kind: Out of 5 cards, you have 4 cards of the same number.

Straight flush: 5 cards will have a sequence of numbers as well as their color suit is also the same.

Royal Flush: Where the number of 5 cards is fixed 10, J, Q, K, A and their color suit is also the same. This is the highest poker hand.

Beginning of the poker game

Everyone’s turn at a table is in a clockwise direction, starting with the dealer. The two positions on the first left of the dealer are Small Blind and Big Blind, which are compulsory to back each time the game is over. After each turn, they shift to the left. The amount by Big Blind is always more than the Small Blind.

After this, the first round begins when all the players open their first 2 cards. In this round, every player has to make a decision on whether to play ahead or not.

If a player does not want to continue, then they can simply keep their cards folded on the table. This means that the player is out of the game.

The game goes on and the player with the highest poker hand wins.